Important note. They are Shinigami, but they usually are part of a guard that protects the kings palace. There Shihakushou is white instead of black. Captians hoari are black. And there marker as Captian is a symbol of with there number on the back in white. In essence there Shihakushou is the opposite of a Seireitei Shinigami.
Substitute Shinseina Shinigami~ This postion is rare, the differene is the fact that like the captians they have a haori but it is golden with no rank on the back. The golden hoari marks them as a Subsitute Shinigami for the Shinseina, but like the Seireitei shinigami's Substitute there power is unstable and oddities that would not normally be are allowed becuase of there unique postion. They have more limits to the things that they can do as well.
Division 1 Head Captian~ Taken, the right hand to the king, they answer to him alone for there actions. Indepth history required.
Division 1 Vice-Captian~ Open.
Division 1 Seats 3-13 open
The rest of the divisions continue on the same to 12. This will be updated as characters are accepted for the postions.